Bwindi Impenetrable National Park


The climate varies - Uganda is wet most of the year, with dry periods from June to august. It can be a scorching 30 Â°C, or a chilly 9 Â°C, depending on the weather. If you go gorilla tracking, be sure to bring a sweater, at least 2.5 liters of water, long-sleeved t-shirt/trousers, a hat, rain-clothing and decent hiking boots. The tracking takes you through the dense rainforest, where you go up and down steep hills, often with no visible path. If it rains, it will be extremely muddy, if it's dry and the sun is out, you will need a lot of water. Bring insect repellent for the mosquitoes, and consult your doctor for vaccinations and malaria-pills for surrounding regions. No risk of malaria in Buhoma, Nkoringo and Bwindi Forest due to the altitude there are no mosquitoes.


Bwindi forest is popular for viewing mountain gorillas in the wild. There are two main points from where you can do this: Buhoma and Nkoringo. Both offer similar opportunities to see the Gorillas. Permits must be obtained from the UWA office in Kampala at the price of USD500 for foreign nationals.


High altitude mountainous with deep valleys. Bwindi Forest is the last remaining piece of primary forest in the area, all the surroundings have been almost completely deforested, and even small pockets of forest are still being cut.